The nocturnal quiescence of Creamy Gaoka is shattered when an alien known as Peeno crash-lands on Earth to begin his Woofnick genocide mission -- an arduous task that can only be accomplished on a full stomach. For Posi and Nega, Natsume does not understand or care that the two cats cannot have eaten the five jars of specially made jam by themselves as she gives chase in spite of Yuu's attempted intercession; fortunately, Grandpa Yoshino is far slower in jumping to conclusions as he shares some insight as to Yuu's situation. Tetsuo and Natsume accidentally using spicy batter to make the crepes Yuu delivers as an apology obfuscates Grandpa Yoshino being in a bad way because of his identity as a Woofnick; even with Nega explaining the situation with the Woofnicks along with Peeno's goals, Yuu discovers that catching Peeno is far easier said than done even though Midori succeeds in capitalizing on Peeno's appetite...