Kimberley brings Frey and Charlotte to the orphanage to observe the fight. Raishin and Loki battle Bronson's automaton, Lucifer, the latest model of the Angel automata, who overwhelms Yaya and Cherubim. Bronson explains that he brought Frey and Loki from America to be test subjects for his experiments for the progress of mankind. By working together, Yaya and Cherubim destroy Lucifer as Cherubim engages him in direct combat while Yaya uses explosives hidden in her sleeves to disable his jet circuit. Bronson is about to shoot Raishin and Loki, who have both collapsed from injuries, when Kimberley brings the crusaders in to arrest Bronson for experimenting on children. Raishin and Loki are brought to the infirmary where Yaya, intent on treating Raishin herself, stirs up trouble. Raishin notices a girl falling from the roof and Yaya saves her, while Charlotte and Sigmund destroy the Academy's clock tower.