Raishin and Yaya learn about Charlotte's past from Sigmund. Charlotte's family was distinguished for making automatons, but the family was stripped of everything when the young Prince of Wales was injured by one of her automata. Thus Charlotte attends school on a scholarship and is saving up to buy back the Eve's Hearts from her family's automata and hopes to be reunited with her family someday. Lisette is revealed to be Felix's automaton, Eliza, who is capable of absorbing magic abilities from automatons she devours. As she and Yaya fight, Eliza's body turns into mist trapping Yaya within, but with Yaya's blood spilling on Eliza, the effectiveness of Eliza's attacks decreases as only one type of magic can be utilized at a time and she is destroyed. Following the battle, Raishin is honored and granted entry into the Festival despite his poor grades, and Charlotte gives Raishin a pendant with defensive capabilities as a gift for clearing her name.