Nureha slips out of the Plant Hwyaden train and goes for a stroll as her Dariella persona. Meanwhile, the junior party escort the Landers to the next town and learn of a group called the Odyssey Knights that protect the Landers in the Boxurt Mountains from frequent monster attacks. In the next town, the party also learns that Roe 2 had set out on a journey to change her vampire sub-class and she offers to assist them with her own summonings. Elsewhere, Maryelle struggles to come up with a theme for the Spring event while Shiroe has Nyanta and Akatsuki conduct some surveillance on Maihama. Meanwhile, the Round Table begins discussing the emerging economic disparity between the citizens. Eins tries to assign blame and propose controversial countermeasures which the Table disagrees with and Shiroe reminds them of the danger to the city should they make decisions without citizen input. At the same time, the junior party makes their way through the Boxurt Mountains and end up assisting some stranded Landers when they encounter Dariella. Afterwards they watch as the ominous Odyssey Knights pass through the mountains with their mobile cathedral which Dariella explains helps adventurers revive anywhere, at the cost of losing a piece of themselves in the process.