The city of Akihabara[c] holds a sports festival while the Round Table discuss their dire financial state since the high cost of maintaining the city has all but depleted their funds. Meanwhile Krusty, Isaac, Karashin and Ichimonjinosuke begin an offensive against the goblin camp at Seventh Fall. Due to Minami spies having infiltrated Akihabara, Shiroe later partly informs Log Horizon and the Crescent Moon Alliance of his intention to leave the city. Ten days later, Shiroe, Naotsugu and Regan meet with Kinjou of the Kunie Clan to discuss the terms of a financial agreement. However as Kinjou declines to assist the Round Table, Shiroe confirms the non-existence of the moneylender class, prompting him to reveal his intention of going straight to the source of the world's gold sealed away deep in the Depths of Palm. However before leaving, Kinjou presents Shiroe with the challenge of clearing a massive raid blocking the gold source to prove their worth to the Kunie Clan. Realizing that he cannot risk requesting combat support from the Round Table due to the spies monitoring their movements, Shiroe decides to enlist other acquaintances for help. Some time in the future, Shiroe and Akatsuki meet on the Moon after having both been killed during their respective missions.