Paula and Giro discover that the Black Relic can absorb nearby mass in order to repair itself. As Hiromi and Graham decide that it is best not to hand over the Black Relic to Efi Dorg, Hiromi receives a call from Koharu that Yukina is gone. It turns out that Yukina is secretly sulking at Mika's house. Kennosuke, Koharu and Yakushi eat some leftover gyÅza, but Yukina later returns home and finds it empty, deciding to leave somewhere. Meanwhile, Jundai and Ryoto return to school unharmed, but they are scolded by Naoki Takekuma for live streaming the battle at the airport. Elizabeth "Beth" Butler informs Graham that a geoframe called the Longarm was discovered in North America and has returned to the Efi Dorg Spaceship with an unknown object. After returning home from school, Kennosuke overhears from Yakushi's phone call that Yukina went to Kurowashi Valley, and he goes after her on horseback. While Yukina is searching for the Washiba Clan's castle, she is attacked by a Cactus. A small blue geoframe called the Liddy stops and destroys the Cactus, while Yukina falls unconscious. With no reply from Earth, Efi Dorg officer Fusunani is dispatched to Earth's surface.