The match between Seirin and Kirisaki Daiichi begins. Having heard Kiyoshi's story, the first years are determined to support their seniors. Kuroko uses his Vanishing Drive early in the game and Kiyoshi scores the first goal. Kirisaki Dai Ichi get away with rough and dirty moves in the referee's blind spots. Kuroko prevents Kagami from punching one of the players in anger. Hanamiya taunts Kiyoshi, and later seeing the injuries of his team mates, Kiyoshi decides to take the brunt of the rough play by handling the offence and defence of the inside of the court. He tells Riko that if she subs him out now, he'll hate her for the rest of his life. Hyuga is determined to take some of the pressure off Kiyoshi by scoring from the outside, but keeps missing. Kagami also attempts to score but gets a foul. Kiyoshi pep talks the team, and they calm down a bit. Hanamiya again taunts Kiyoshi who doesn't react. This angers Hanamiya, who signals his team to injure Kiyoshi and Kiyoshi gets an elbow to the face, but manages to get up again, saying that he has vowed to protect Seirin.