The Black Fog is revealed to be a colony of Kabane fused into one giant beast. Unable to leave, the Kōtetsujō retreats to the station workshop and they seal the door. Ikoma finds Mumei trapped under rubble and tries to release her. The committee discuss their options of whether to leave or stay. Unable to free Mumei, Ikoma leads the Kabane away from her and kills as many as he can before succumbing. Kurusu and some others rescue Mumei via a tunnel. She runs to find Ikoma who is badly wounded, and they all return to the train together. While the Black Fog beast is distracted, feeding on the bodies of the dead Kabane, Ikoma removes the wreckage from the tracks. Mumei suggests a plan to kill the beast using everyone working together. The Kōtetsujō leaves the workshop with the beast in pursuit. At the last possible moment, they shoot the beast with the train's cannon, and Mumei kills the woman controlling it, who, much to her surprise, was a Kabaneri like her who turned rogue. With the beast defeated, the Kōtetsujō leaves Yashiro Station.