Hank, Schaal, and Liza arrive at Whitechurch, a mostly lawless slum city, but no one will cooperate with them since they're military. That night, Schaal, seeing Hank's jacket still has a hole in it from where she shot him, mends it, reminding him how Elaine used to mend his clothes at the orphanage they grew up in. The next day, Liza takes them to a woman who was killed and crucified overnight and Hank recognizes she was killed by Topher, the Gargoyle Incarnate, not Cain. A young boy, Andy, who saw the murder, confirms it. Hank remembers how Topher's sense of justice and boundless will in defeating the Confederacy helped keep the rest of the unit going in the war. He eventually runs off and Shcaal goes after him...