After Akagi has a nightmare in which her fleet is totally defeated during the operation, she asks Nagato to change the operation protocol, hoping to prevent the disaster she feels will be waiting for them. Shortly afterwards Nagato announces the battle fleet, including Carrier Group One and Two, Kongō and Hiei, Fubuki, Yūdachi, and Kitakami, is to meet Yamato and other ships to attack MI with a second fleet doing a feint on a smaller base. Fubuki, Yūdachi and Mutsuki meet and promise to come back safely, while Mutsu tries to comfort Nagato, who is doubting the mission. As the mission begins, Akagi decides to leave Kongō and Fubuki to wait for the others while the carriers begin the attack. They discover an Airfield Princess and launch a surprise attack, severely damaging her, but as they get ready for the second wave, the one eyed Wo-class carrier launches its own surprise attack with two Nu-class carriers, several destroyers and a torpedo and light cruiser. With her bow destroyed and her teammates taking heavy damage, Akagi, feeling that she had failed to change fate, remains motionless as a bomber heads towards her.