Following their battle, Fubuki's group arrive at Truk Island where the base for Operation FS is located, where they meet a battleship named Yamato, who has never actually been out to sea. Recalling how she herself wasn't allowed into battle when she started out, Fubuki tries to get Yamato to go swimming with her, but is immediately shut down by Nagato. Later that night, Fubuki takes Yamato out in secret, but as soon as Yamato sets foot on the water, she becomes incredibly hungry. Nagato later explains that the reason Yamato isn't sent out is because of how much fuel and resources she consumes. After getting some inspiration from Mutsuki and Yūdachi, Fubuki builds a raft so that they can take Yamato out onto the sea without using any of her resources. Along the way, they come across some airborne Abyssal, which Yamato manages to destroy with her weapons, earning some slight praise from Nagato.