Misaki Takahashi is doing poorly in school. His brother Takahiro arranges for his eccentric best friend, the author Akihiko Usami (nicknamed and generally referred to as Usagi, or rabbit), to tutor Misaki. At Usami's house, Misaki discovers a romance novel starring Usami and his brother. Misaki confronts the writer, but ends up getting harassed by a grumpy Usami. With time, his study results improve, and he grows sympathetic towards Usami, who has an unrequited crush on Takahiro. When Takahiro announces his engagement, Usami and Misaki become closer. When Takahiro and his wife suddenly have to move to Osaka, Misaki decides to live in Usami's house in return for doing housework such as laundry, dishes, cooking dinner, and cleaning. Early on it is shown that Misaki and Usami eat together and later shows that Usami thinks of them as a family.