Bucciarati's crew arrives in Venice and read the final mission from the boss on the data disc. The instructions are for only one person to take Trish to the top of the bell tower of the church on the island of San Giorgio Maggiore. Bucciarati takes Trish ashore, but also wears one of Giorno's ladybug brooches as a tracking device while the others wait in their speedboat. Bucciarati and Trish ascend in the tower's elevator, but when they arrive at the top, Bucciarati discovers that Trish has disappeared and he is only holding her severed hand. Bucciarati has a flashback to his youth, when he first joined Passione and realizes that the boss intends to kill his daughter to protect his own identity. Bucciarati follows the boss, and manages to attach Giorno's ladybug tracker to him before he disappears...