Surrounded by ambulances and fire engines, Kira attempts to use Bites the Dust on an approaching nurse in an last-ditch attempt to kill everyone and avert turn of events. It seemed to have worked until Kira finds himself in Ghost Alley, Reimi reintroducing herself to her killer after having him remember that he died from being crushed under a moving ambulance after Koichi and Jotaro prevented him from triggering Bites the Dust. Despite Kira realizing he is in Ghost Alley, he is forced to look back when Arnold bites off his hand and is torn to pieces while dragged away by the spectral hands. No longer bound to her attachments, Reimi and Arnold bid farewell to everyone before moving on to the next life. The next day, Jotaro and Joseph return home as the summer of 1999 draws to a close for the residents of Morioh Town. Josuke sees Jotaro and Joseph off at the pier, and uses Crazy Diamond's abilities to prank Joseph and steal his wallet.