Yoshihiro uses the arrow to make more Stand-wielding allies, first using it on a boy named Ken Oyanagi. Ken then pesters Rohan to play rock paper scissors with him, losing his first match after Rohan uses Heaven's Door to figure out his move. As Ken continues to force Rohan to play rock paper scissors with him and wins his third match against Rohan, his Stand, Boy II Man, appears and tries to suck in Heaven's Door. Rohan soon learns that Ken's Stand allows him to steal energy from others and keep it if he wins three times out of five, discovering that he has already gained a third of Heaven's Door's ability. Ken then wins the fourth match, gaining more of Heaven's Door's ability and evening the score. Rohan wins his third match and retrieves Heaven's Door after borrowing Shizuka the invisible baby from Joseph and having her change what Ken attempted to throw out. Ken attempts to kill himself by jumping in front of a truck, but Rohan saves him, convincing Ken to stop using his Stand for evil.