During his morning jog, Yūji sees Michiru sitting on the grass with a cat on her lap staring at the sea and strikes up a conversion with her. The following evening the residents of the dorm discuss Michiru's recent odd behaviour. Later that night, Sachi, Yumiko and Yūji witness Michiru as she stumbles out of the dorm having gotten hair dye in her eyes and dripping it all over the floor. The next day Amane asks Yūji and Yumiko if friendship between men and women is possible. When Michiru appears, she is also asked the same question and runs off after answering. Yūji goes after her and confronts her, stating that she is different from the Michiru he first came to know. The new personality converses with Yūji then kisses him and reverts to the original personality. The next morning Michiru asks Yūji to demonstrate what her other self had done to him the previous day and freaks out when he almost kisses her. She runs off to calm herself down and chases her cat away. Yūji finds her on the bluff looking for the cat which she has named Meowmel (Nyanmel). As they walk home together Yūji notices something and tells her to go on without him. Ignoring his words, Michiru comes up and finds that Meowmel has been run over and is dying. Yūji hails a cab but they are too late and Meowmel dies in Michiru's lap.