Yao's initial attempts to ask the JSDF for help fail, as most of the soldiers know little of the local language, and she is arrested by the Military Police after attacking several thugs who mistake her for a prostitute. Lelei, having improved her magic thanks to Earth's advanced scientific knowledge, is called by the JSDF to serve as Yao's interpreter. After learning her story, General Hazama tells Yao that he cannot help her, as her home, Schwartz Forest, is located in the Elbe Kingdom, which is outside the borders of the Empire. As the Japanese are currently in peace talks with the Empire, sending troops over their border would mean a declaration of war and reignite conflict. With Yao devastated at the news, some soldiers sympathize with her, and Lieutenant Akira Yanagida suggests that Yao should ask Itami for help. Elsewhere, Itami and his men deliver goods from Earth to Piña and Hamilton, as part of their plan to win over more nobles to seek peace with Japan. Before leaving, Itami gives Piña a Yaoi doujin translated by Bozes and Panache, which, unknown to him, contains newspaper clippings of his previous heroic actions. As Itami heads back to base hoping to achieve peace between both sides, Lelei narrates that the war is far from over.