Back in Italica, Piña reprimands her knights Bozes and Panache for capturing Itami, fearing that the JSDF will use the incident as an excuse to retaliate for breaking the treaty. As the Formal family staff treat Itami's wounds, Rory, Lelei, Tuka and some of the 3rd Unit sneak back to Italica to rescue Itami, but find themselves welcomed by the Formal maids and join Itami for a small socializing party. Meanwhile, Piña orders Bozes to sleep with Itami in the hopes of earning his forgiveness, but Bozes becomes angry and assaults Itami after seeing him enjoying himself and seemingly ignoring her. Appalled that Bozes might have antagonized Itami further, Piña and Bozes join the 3rd Recon Unit's trip back to Alnus Hill to personally apologize to Itami's superiors for Bozes' actions. While Piña and Bozes meet with Itami's commanding officer Lieutenant General Hazama with Lelei as an interpreter, Itami invites Tuka to come with him to Japan to meet the Japanese Diet as a representative of the Special Region. The next day, Itami, Shino and Akira accompany Rory, Lelei, Tuka, Piña and Bozes through the Gate to Japan.