As the DigiDestined try to rekindle their friendship with their Rookie level partner Digimon, they briefly come across Meicoomon, who has retained her memories despite the reboot. While the others get along well with their partners, Sora has trouble reconnecting with an amnesiac Biyomon. Later that night, as Tai and Matt try to console Sora, they are suddenly attacked by Machinedramon, whose attack disperses the DigiDestined and Digimon across the Digital World. Meanwhile, Nishijima investigates Himekawa's secret files and remembers her desire to reboot the Digital World to revive her partner Megadramon, who was unable to recompose into a Digi-Egg. Nishijima meets Hackmon, who relays a warning from Homeostasis that King Drasil corrupted Gennai and is targeting "Libra": Meicoomon. At the desert, Sora and Biyomon discover Meiko, who came to the Digital World in search of Meicoomon. When Meicoomon attacks them out of resentment, Meiko manages to placate her. Just then, they are attacked by Gennai who shows his true form after masquerading as the Digimon Emperor. He attempts to capture Meicoomon and Sora's Digivice but is thwarted by the other DigiDestined, who come to their aid. Gennai reveals that the reboot was all part of King Drasil's plan to create a new world order where humans and Digimon no longer interact with each other. He sends Machinedramon and MetalSeadramon after them...