Makina demands Junichiro be fired but learns Koyomi has already fired him. Suzune, Kanan, Kotaro and Kiriko follow Koyomi but cannot find KEC's secret lab entrance. Reiko is having a tantrum about having to go to school and locks everyone outside the lab until they let her become a full time researcher. Jun'ichiro manages to hack his way inside and tells Reiko he is siding with her because it is more amusing. Reiko realises she also has YD and the best place to find what she yearns to do is at school with other people. Having helped Reiko learn to have fun Junichiro realises he no longer yearns to build an Anywhere Door, and through flashbacks of helping his students, understands that what he now yearns to do is return to Hiiragi Academy, determined to help his students find what it is they also yearn to do. Koyomi, who had orchestrated everything in secret, hires him back as class teacher. Jun'ichiro immediately writes an app designed to predict future exam questions allowing students to study the correct answers in advance. Every student in Japan begins scoring perfect marks on exams rendering schools totally obsolete. Jun'ichiro announces that using his app any student can easily pass exams on subjects they find boring, devote less time to studying and more time to learning about what they yearn to do so that eventually all of Japan will have YD. Koyomi happily states that Japan is set to become very amusing in the future and that Jun'ichiro Kagami really was the right man for the job.