A flashback shows that Satoru's memories returned after the visit from Kayo, and he told Kenya and Hiromi that Yashiro was the killer. Back on the rooftop, Yashiro boasts that his past crimes have already passed the statute of limitations and he cannot be arrested. He reveals he has arranged to kill Kumi with a sabotaged IV drip and to frame Satoru for her murder. Yashiro threatens to throw Satoru from the roof and make it look like a suicide. However, Satoru calls Yashiro's bluff, stating that Yashiro can't live without him. This seems true when Yashiro initially stops Satoru from rolling his wheelchair off the roof. However, Yashiro lets Satoru drop and prepares to commit suicide himself. He then discovers that Satoru has been safely caught by his friends, and Yashiro is finally arrested for attempted murder. Several years later, Satoru has become a successful manga artist. One day, Satoru surprisingly encounters Airi under the same bridge where they earlier used to sit, and where he disappeared during his last Revival.