The spirits pass Serpico and possess hounds that chase Guts to an abandoned mansion, the swordsman killing the dogs before facing the estate's kennel master: an Apostle. Guts kills the Apostle while Farnese flees in terror at the sight of the swordsman torturing him for the God Hand's whereabouts. Guts finds Farnese about to raped by their possessed horse, killing the animal as its act brought back horrible memories. A spirit then possesses Farnese and forces her to act out her lust by straddling Guts until sunrise. Serpico retrieves a traumatized Farnese and escorts her back to their camp, allowing Guts a reprieve despite Farnese's demand to have him killed. Meanwhile, in the city of Windham, the King of Midland dies having seen a vision about Griffith's return while the Kushan army appears on the horizon.