Beelzebub tries to finish her work quickly to impress Mullin, but Mullin mistakenly believes she has done no work and threatens to take a job in the library with Dantalion. Beelzebub tells Belphegor about the time she almost kissed Mullin and wonders if Mullin hates her. Mullin assures Beelzebub he would never take the job. Beelzebub apologises for being difficult. The narrator point out this is their first lovers quarrel, though neither is aware of it. Belphegor has an embarrassing dream of confessing her love to Azazel. Azazel saves her from some falling books so she tries to say "I like you" but accidentally says "Memorandum" then flees to the bathroom. Mullin falls asleep and Beelzebub hears him dreaming about her. Azazel falls asleep so Adrammelech ties flowers into his ponytail. Sargatanas falls asleep so Astaroth escapes from the office...