Pandemonium is a paradise populated by demons who run Pandemonium in Satan's absence. Beelzebub, a former Seraph, now rules Pandemonium and many demons look up to her as she is an expert ruler. However, in private she is ditzy, airheaded and loves anything fluffy. Her head attendant, Mullin finds her asleep, naked and surrounded by fluffy White Gossamers, embarrassing Mullin who finds her cute but infuriating. Beelzebub frequently amuses herself by teasing him. Mullin learns Beelzebub trusts him a lot he is the only attendant she is willing to complain to. Realising he may have upset her by running away Mullin gives her Alpacca wool sweater, so she can feel fluffiness without sleeping naked. Beelzebub is happy Mullin does not hate her. Beelzebub explains demons do not cause human sin, they provide opportunities to sin or not to sin so God can judge them accurately...