Woof? Advent of the Demon King!: Ejil teleports to Reiji’s store and is outraged when Reiji expects payment. Ejil becomes smitten with Noela and offers Reiji half the planet, once he conquers it, in exchange for Noela and one potion but Reiji refuses. Ejil flees but returns with money extorted from villagers by claiming himself the Demon King. Reiji correctly guesses the villagers actually thought he was homeless...
Give It to Me Straight: Ejil asks for a potion to read Noela’s thoughts and discover how she really feels about him. Reiji agrees in exchange for Ejil not destroying anything if Noela doesn’t like him. Reiji brews the potion Give-It-To-Me-Straight which broadcasts thoughts out loud. Ejil is disappointed Noela is totally indifferent about him, but remains determined to romance her. Mina accidentally drinks the potion, revealing her thoughts are dark and terrifying...