Banri perverting to her advantage Shuuko's frustration at not being able to meaningfully act upon her infatuation with Keima makes for not at all insignificant turbulence; still, Meirin-tachi (Meirin with Yue, Shuuko, Daisuke, Takashi, and Asuka in convoy) soon finds that there is one kind of turbulence that she cannot keep at arm's length when Meirin's mother Emika interjects with a meatless plate of fried rice while poorly obfuscating her smoldering contention. It is not long before Meirin has demonstrated that effecting reconciliation will require a lot more than a feng-shui divination and a vase of yellow flowers even if the conversation had not been polluted by the ill-considered mention of »Dr. Rin«; her détente endeavor nullified, Meirin has no choice but to watch things escalate from another adversarial divergent concourse to Shou being sent flying through the air prior to Emika voting with her feet to Yuuki-ke. Upon detecting correspondence from both Shou and Emika entreating Dr. Rin's counsel, Meirin prosecutes a divination which advises her of a location where she can ultimately capitalize on Emika's prologue as a professional wrestler; a collaborative construction job later, Shou and Emika draw on their prologue to reconcile with each other much to Meirin-tachi's delight.