While working with Kayoko on a Premium Dress for the Starlight Queen Cup, Hinaki learns that Mikuru, having gained popularity after becoming a top gardener, is holding a concert. The two go to see Mikuru, who joins them in helping them find inspiration for the new dress. They soon go on a training camp at Vivid Kiss' seaside cottage, only to find a French documentary team is scheduled to do a report on Vivid Kiss, so the girls decide to have the training camp be the topic of the documentary. Later that night, as Hinaki worries about how to perform a Fever Appeal, Mikuru shares her experience working with WM, telling her the only important thing is to make sure she has no regrets in whatever she does. Finding some tins of paint, Hinaki decides to go wild and paint the cottage in vivid colors, which inspires Kayoko to create the Street Art coord.