As Powa Powa Puririn give a press conference about their involvement with STAR☆ANIS, Shion states she will not join STAR☆ANIS in order to focus on her acting career. As the girls head off to begin their tour, Aoi is put in charge of STAR☆ANIS publicity. Following their first rehearsal as a combined unit, the girls grow concerned that an approaching typhoon may cause problems for their performance, though some tension is relieved as Mizuki joins them for the night. Although the weather clears up by the morning and the tour goes on ahead, the typhoon ends up damaging one of the electric pylons, causing a blackout in the stadium that leaves the Aikatsu system unusable. Not wishing to disappoint their fans, the girls go out on stage and do a variety performance to buy time for the staff to get a backup generator online, allowing the performance to go ahead.