A special audition is being held where idols must form teams to try to earn the Mastery of Communication. Ichigo and the others invite Sakura to join their team, but she doesn't feel confident as she doesn't have any premium rare cards. She tells them about her favorite brand, Aurora Fantasy, but doubts that she would be able to obtain premium cards from its top designer, Green Grass, as she doesn't feel they suit her. As the others each do their part to try to help Sakura, Otome goes to see Makoto, who is friends with Green Grass, and receives a new Happy Rainbow Premium Dress, conveying to Sakura of how she doesn't want to lose to the amount of love she has for Aurora Fantasy. Her confidence renewed, Sakura goes to see Green Grass, who is revealed to be a pair of twin sisters, who give her a Premium Dress as thanks for all the letters she sent to them as a child. After a successful audition of using call & response, the girls earn their Mastery of Communication.