As Ran trains for the representative audition for Spicy Ageha, Ichigo applies her to appear in a fashion show for the senior students' graduation ceremony. Ran states that in order to become a representative, she will have to outperform third year student Ema Shinjou. Ran ends up losing the audition to Ema, with Orihime saying while her audition was spot-on, she doesn't yet have what it takes to become the brand's 'muse'. Ran starts pushing herself to train, believing she isn't suited for the fashion show audition. Noticing her funk, Orihime takes Ran to the third year classrooms to teach her the true meaning of being a muse, to inspire designers to design for her. Receiving some new Aikatsu cards for everyone, Ran joins the others in the fashion show before seeing off Ema as she graduates.