With the support of her friends, Yume prepares to take the stage, but before doing so she speaks to Elza. Elza is firm in her belief that a perfect idol can only shine alone, but Yume feels that an idol shines with the power of everyone who supports her and vows to prove it. When Yume takes the stage she performs the greatest performance of the competition, and to everyone's surprise is awarded her very own Sun Dress. Yume is announced the winner and Elza comes to realize why she lost. Rei, Aria and Kirara turn up with Elza's mother, the three idols having convinced Mrs Forte to come see Elza's performance. Both Elza and her mother reconcile and Elza finally gets the love and affection she's been seeking. Elza also comes to realize how badly she's treated her friends and reconciles with them too. Afterwards Yume celebrates her victory with her friends while Elza, although content that she lost, wonders what she should do now.