A new school year begins with Yume now a fully-fledged S4 member alongside Ako, Mahiru, and Yuzu. As Yume launches her new brand, Berry Parfait, Ako is shocked to learn that the brand she was hoping to pair up with, Fuwafuwa Dream, has instead announced a contract with Kirara Hanazono, an idol from the ship-based idol school Venus Ark. As the girls go to Venus Ark to investigate the matter, Rola hears a familiar voice aboard before the girls are kicked out. Upon returning to Yotsuboshi Academy, Yume is approached by Venus Ark's owner and top idol, Elza Forte, along with her secretary Rei Kizaki, who seeks to scout Yume in order to recruit Hime as well. Using the strength of her Star Premium Rare Coord, Elza puts on a powerful performance fitting of her reputation as "Perfect Elsa". After hearing Hime acknowledge Elza as the world's top idol, Yume rejects Elza's offer to join Venus Ark, becoming excited about what Aikatsu lies in store.