Rola enters an audition searching for individualistic idols to be the mascot of an ice-cream company. Hearing that the judges are searching for uniqueness, Rola tries looking up various novel ways in order to stand out, prompting concern from her friends. On the first day of the audition, after meeting a janitor who advises her that "simple is the best", Rola becomes downhearted when the judges feel her attempts at standing out feel forced. As Rola struggles with thinking about how to overcome this, Anna puts her and Yume through a rigorous training regime that seemingly has no point. After spending some time with Yume afterwards, Rola realises that she shouldn't think so hard, and should instead just be herself and do the things she likes. This comes through in her performance and allows her to win the audition, after which she learns the janitor she met is actually the president of the ice-cream company.