As the kidnapper leaves Komatsu at the mercy of the Devil Python, Komatsu uses a special firecracker given to him by Toriko, but the shock wave causes Komatsu's heart to stop. Toriko and Coco arrive to find Komatsu alive, as he has been revived by Knocking Master Jiro, the old man from the train Toriko and Komatsu rode. They reach the Cavern Lagoon, and find a school of small Puffer Whales. By calming himself, Coco masks his presence and knocks a puffer whale. Toriko does the same. After catching about ten, Coco tries to remove the poison gland from one but fails,. He has Komatsu try, and he is able to save just one, which they enjoy in sashimi and sake. Afterwards, a mysterious creature with an anteater-like head and a fearsome aura emerges from the water with a net full of Puffer Whales.