A female beast tamer named Silica leaves her party after being caught in a dispute and walks through a forest, only to be ambushed by a group of apes. Silica's dragon familiar named Pina is killed while trying to protect her, but Kirito arrives to save Silica and kill the apes. Kirito agrees to take Silica to the 47th Floor to retrieve an item that can revive in-game creatures like Pina within three days. He warns her of the existence of "orange players" who commit crimes and "red players" who commit murder. After they fight off a plant monster and finally retrieve the item, revealed to be a flower, they are confronted by Rosalia, leader of a guild named Titan's Hand, Silica's party of orange players. Kirito intended on escorting Silica in order to lure and arrest Titan's Hand. Thanks to an ability that could regenerate his health bar instantly from numerous attacks, Kirito effortlessly outmatches and detains the guild members. Silica later thanks Kirito for his help and uses the flower to revive Pina.