Guile and Chun-Li battle outside, while Ryu, Ken, and Bison do battle in the focal point of the universe, which is revealed to be another dimension that Bison's eagle had sent them to. There, Ryu and Ken seem destined to lose, because of Bison's overwhelming Psycho Power. Ryu and Ken's fighting abilities are no match for Bison, and Guile is losing to Chun-Li, since the cyberchip has made her a much more powerful opponent than she was without it, and also because Guile is reluctant to fight back with full force, out of fear that he might seriously harm her. Bison uses his Psycho Crusher and Double Knee Press attacks to overpower Ryu and Ken, severely wounding both of them. They eventually find the strength needed to carry on thanks to their Hadou powers. Ken uses the Hadou Shoryuken against Bison. This weakens Bison substantially and this also knocks the cyberchip off Chun-Li's head, allowing Ryu to finish him off. After Bison is gone, Ryu and Ken head back to America, then Ryu sails to an unknown location.