Carrying on from the previous episode, Ken watches as Chun-Li breaks the guard's neck. Ryu then enters, now under Bison's control via the cyberchip. They briefly stare at each other before Chun-Li leaves the room. Ryu stays and attacks Ken, who realizes that something must be wrong with Ryu. Bison then orders Ryu to focus his ki to do the Hadouken. Ryu complies and begins to charge his ki. Meanwhile, Guile and Nash infiltrate the fortress to try and rescue Ken, Ryu, and Chun-Li from Bison. Ken slowly but surely summons enough rage to use the Hadou Shoryu to break the wall between him and Ryu. After breaking the wall, he tries to convince Ryu to come with him, but Ryu doesn't answer. The episode ends after that.