Ryu and Ken eventually find out that it was Donu who had framed Ryu, recognizing him by the scar on his cheek. They follow him to the Ashura's secret hideout building, where they manage to defeat Donu and the other Ashura members to get revenge for what they did to Ryu. They bring them into custody and Ryu is subsequently acquitted, but as they leave the station, they are fired at by a sniper from a building a few stories above. Ryu and Ken manage to escape the sniper relatively unharmed, although Ryu is lightly injured by a bullet in his shoulder. They climb atop the sniper's vehicle as it tries to escape. They arrive at another secret hideout of the Ashura, which appears to be their main headquarters. However, Ryu and Ken are quickly discovered and severely beaten by an evil man named Zochi, the kingpin of Ashura. Zochi is able to graft a chainsaw and various other weapons onto his left arm, although it is never explained how he lost his hand. Zochi, after realizing torture will not make Ryu and Ken tell him who they are "supposedly" working for (in truth, they are working for no one, but Zochi doesn't believe them), he puts Ryu in a chair, where he is tied up. Ryu attempts to wiggle himself out, but Zochi plans to cut Ryu's left arm off with his chainsaw to add to his "collection" of other left arms. Just as Zochi is about to do so, the alarm sounds as Dorai and the rest of the Hong Kong police force enter the secret hideout, thanks to the tracker Dorai planted on Soong...