While lunch, Hayama offers Yoko her rolled egg, which the latter refuse. Futaba asks both of them being so polite to each other, and they should call each other by using nicknames. Suddenly, a cat appears out of nowhere, which makes Hayama shows her soft side for animals. She tells them that she has a pet cat named 'Beelzebub' at home, which she nicknamed 'Bel'. Later, when watching Hayama does her class rep work, Yoko asks her why would she do it (she has no interest in it at all), in which she replies that it will look good on her resume. Serina is frustrated because Hayama stands in her way each time, and points out that she is chosen as class rep just because she looks like one. Futaba denies it, and reveals that it is actually part of Hayama's plan all along. After watching Serina runs away after hearing Hayama's words, Yoko finally concludes that Hayama is actually devilish after all...