After disbanding the crew due to an argument, Dandy later receives a letter inviting him to a mansion signed by "a rare alien", assuming this to be a beautiful alien chick. He flies the Little Aloha and crash-lands onto a planet surrounded by the River of Time, which, when it occasionally reverses course (a "Pororoca" event), has the ability to return objects to previous states in time. Meanwhile, QT and Meow teleport from the Aloha Oe to the planet to find Dandy, but the two are turned into smiling statues by Ukuleleman, a masked puppet alien who plays a ukulele. At the mansion, Dandy is not only disappointed that the letter was written by Ukuleleman, but is also shocked that QT and Meow were being collected as smiling statues in the backyard. Dandy carries QT and Meow into the River of Time to return them back to normal, but as Ukuleleman tries to pull out a smiling version of Dandy in the past, Dandy charges at Ukuleleman and shatters his mask with one punch. Just before Ukuleleman bursts into flames, Dandy acquires the ukulele after telling Ukuleleman that he has a good smile.