When the Aloha Oe crew brings a cow to the Registration Center, Scarlet suggests that they should consider looking for another career. While Dandy, QT and Meow later discuss the matter, Dandy pulls out a long stray hair from his head, which drags them all to an alternate dimension, where they encounter upgraded versions of themselves. This starts a recurring event when the crew keeps finding more stray hairs known as cosmic strings, sending them to various dimensions, where they find versions of themselves which parody other anime series. When they finally pull a cosmic string that sends them back to their dimension, all the other versions are accidentally brought back as well. Because strange events start occurring in their own dimension, especially after meeting an odd version of the trio, all versions of Dandy decide to fix things by burning all the cosmic strings, sending all incarnations back to their respective dimensions. However, the odd version of the trio replaces the original crew in their own dimension.