On Planet Machinia, a deserted planet made entirely of discarded metal and rubbish, Dandy finds a solitary dog. As QT and Meow go about their business, Dandy spends the last few hours of the dog's lifespan playing with her, naming her "Pup" before she eventually dies. Heartbroken by Pup's death, Dandy constructs a rocket to give her a proper burial in space. Putting Pup's death behind them, Meow soon discovers that he has picked up a pair of Machinians, the Le Flea Brothers, from Pup's fur. As QT and Meow comically chase the Le Flea Brothers throughout the spaceship, the Le Flea Brothers are unwittingly killed by Dandy. QT deduces that the planet will collapse on itself and form a black hole due to the deaths of these Machinians. The Aloha Oe crew manages to warp away in time, crossing paths with Dr. Gel and his assistant Bea, who wind up being pulled into the black hole.