Meow is bitten by a Stiltonian captured by the Aloha Oe crew and later turns into a zombie. Believing that Meow is merely sick, Dandy and QT admit him into a hospital and leave him there overnight. Dandy and QT visit the hospital the next day, only to find it overrun by zombies. As Dandy and QT try to escape the hospital, they both end up being bitten and turned into zombies as well. From then on, Dandy, QT and Meow adjust to their new lives as zombies. They diet on yogurt instead of raw meat as advised by the Stiltonian, and they use Dandy's life insurance policy to maintain their less-than-normal lifestyle. After life insurance companies fail to control the zombie population, every human, alien and robot in the universe eventually become a zombie, thereby creating a utopia.