Cecily is told that Aria is actually a powerful weapon called a Demon Sword that can take human form. At Luke’s request Aria transforms into a sword which Cecily demonstrates can form blades made from wind. Hannibal plans to use Aria as bait to capture whoever tried to steal her. In the city's prison many prisoners infected by demon parasites escape. Cecily obtains a new sword from the armoury that has one sharp edge and one blunt edge, intending to use it to practice for when she eventually gets a katana from Luke. Reginald, another knight, mocks her for bothering to carry a sword when she is too afraid to kill in battle. The prisoners attack the town on the orders of the cloaked man. Cecily joins the fighting, but having never killed someone before, is overcome by fear and is unable to kill her opponent. Reginald kills the man instead and accuses Cecily of cowardice in front of the other knights. Aria praises Cecily for preferring to preserve life. Elsewhere, Jack Strader, who forged a demon pact years ago to save his own life during the war, is offered a chance to redeem himself by the cloaked man.