After the death of Orikakan, Hakuoro releases Touka from her prison and decided to let her deliver the body of Orikakan to Kuccha Keccha. Recently, Shikeripechim frequently attacks helpless villages in Tusukuru, tiring out Hakuoro’s group as they advance through the countryside. Knowing that they won’t stand a chance by directly attacking Shikeripechim, Hakuoro hatches a desperate plan in order to defend his nation and that is to kill the Shikeripechim’s emperor, NIwe before Shikeripechim’s forces took over their country. They will be able to do that by splitting their group into two. The first one is to defend their country against Shikeripechim while the second one heads directly to the camp where Niwa is located and kill him. But before they could initiate their plan, another group of soldiers from Shikeripechim attacks a village. They went and stopped the enemy soldiers with Touka officially joining Hakuoro's group to give him honor for letting her return the body of Orikakan to his country.