The emperor has summoned Benawi and ordered him to eliminate the village who rebelled and killed his little brother, Sasante. Benawi suggest that they should first hear the villagers’ side of the story before they proceed on eliminating the villagers. The emperor turns him down and told him to quickly gather their troops. Meanwhile, Hakuoro takes over command of the station which they captured, beginning to strategically lead a large-scale rebellion. Fulfilling his promise to Tusukuru, Hakuoro asked Erurū and Arurū to return to the village but they insist to stay. Erurū told them that they also want to help in any way they can and that they want to assist the men in by doing normal chores like cooking and doing laundry. After giving some thought, Hakuoro agreed. Later, the villagers were surprised to see a carriage carrying a princess-like girl which is Oboro’s sister, Yuzuha, followed by Oboro and his group. Oboro asked Hakuoro to let them aid the villagers on their rebellion as payment for saving him twice. Oboro even called him “brother” for it. Hakuoro doesn’t seem to be interested on the offer seeing the Oboro always disregards his life on the battlefield. But since they need to gather all the forces they need, he agree to the allegiance. Hakuoro asked Erurū to look after Yuzuha. Erurū along with Arurū came and introduced themselves to Yuzuha...