Shirayuki and Obi are attacked by Kazuki and his mysterious friend, Itoya. Obi fights to protect Shirayuki but during the assault he is distracted by Rona and Eugena entering the room after hearing cries of help, and is knocked unconscious. Kazuki and Itoya sedate Shirayuki and take her away, escaping into the night. After the twins sound the alarm, a frantic Raji sends guards out to search for her while Zen and the others finally arrive at the castle only to discover that Shirayuki is missing. Zen and Raji agree on working together to rescue her, while Obi by following their trail reaches and confronts Itoya. Unfortunately he is too late, the gang of pirates Kazuki and Itoya joined to find Shirayuki has turned against them, and they have taken her and the boy to an unknown location, where they are held captive.