Still in Tanbarun, Raji and Shirayuki continue to improve their relationship as they spend time together. Everybody in the castle is surprised of Raji's transformation thanks to Shirayuki's influence, and Rona and Eugena try their all to have her extend her stay. Both at the same time, Raji and Obi are beginning to reflect on their true feelings for Shirayuki. Back at Clarines Zen finally finds Mihaya who has returned to his room after escaping from Kazuki and his companions, revealing new information. Kazuki and his partners have discovered that Shirayuki is in Tanbarun and have set sail to capture her. Zen sends a message to Obi to warn him about the situation and prepares to leave for Tanbarun. Izana is against him leaving Clarines, but Zen stands his ground reaffirming his intentions towards Shirayuki, stating that he will one day marry her. He leaves for Tanbarun with Mitsuhide, Kiki and Mihaya, with the warning from Izana to not bring Shirayuki back if something happens that will force him to officially intervene as the prince of Clarines. On the night of the ball, the mysterious men seeking to kidnap Shirayuki finally arrive.