The CEO of Activision Frigate is teenager Hell Gates, an arrogant computer game world champion, who thinks of Madoka as a prize to be won. Jun'ichiro declares himself Madoka's fiancé and challenges Hell Gates to a duel. If Junichiro wins Hell Gates will stop his takeover of KMC. If Hell Gates wins Jun'ichiro will never play any computer game ever again. The duel is to be on Kings Halo 3 a game made by Hell Gates Company not yet on sale. Jun'ichiro quickly wins by taking advantage of all the software glitches he knew would be in a game not yet available to the public. Hell Gates challenges him to a rematch on Kings Halo 2 without glitches. Junichiro proves to be vastly more skilled than Hell Gates who admits defeat and ceases his takeover of Madoka's company while also confessing his real feelings to her. Madoka tells Junichiro she fell in love with him because he was the only person whose value she could not calculate and therefore concluded him to be . . . priceless. She leaves after declaring she will find some way of marrying him in the future.