Rezo suddenly appears during Lina's escape of and calls Zelgadis a traitor. Lina is surprised to discover the relationship between the two. Zelgadis' grudge against Rezo makes him revolt against him. Lina and Zelgadis barely make it out virtually unharmed, with Zelgadis using Lina as a distraction against Rezo, with quite a bit of protest from Lina. Rezo's men discover the escape, as well as the cooked Noonsa, and subsequently eat him, all while swearing vengeance for his death. Soon after escaping Rezo, Lina and Zelgadis take a break to rest and Lina, being quite confused after find out about Rezo and Zelgadis's relationship, asks Zelgadis to explain to her just what, exactly, is going on. He explains that Rezo is, truly, the famous "Rezo the Red Priest" and that he wasn't always the man that he is now. He goes on to say that he knows nothing about trying to resurrect the "Dark Lord Shabranigdo" and that what Rezo is actually looking for is "The Philosopher's Stone", a legendary stone that amplifies magic, and that it is hidden inside the Orihalcon statue. He also explains that Rezo was born blind and has been searching for a cure using magic of any sort. He wants the stone for this purpose and that this long, fruitless quest is what has turned his heart dark. Zelgadis wants the stone for himself in order to kill Rezo for turning him into the chimera that he is. He explains that Rezo is also his ancestor and that he imagines that Rezo is at least 3 generations previous to him. Elsewhere, Gourry is still searching in the forest for Lina. He then looks down at his hand in which he is holding the statue. Later, he is seen fishing and still wondering of her whereabouts. Regretting having asked for an explanation, Lina settles down for some sleep. Just then, a disturbance in the forest alerts the pair to the presence of Dilgear and Rezo's other troll henchmen having tracked them down and surrounded them. Zelgadis defeats most of the trolls with a single spell and has a sword fight with Dilgear, easily winning due to the revelation that his one-third golem aspect prevents him being injured by any sword other than th 'Sword of Light'. Dilgear retreats, vowing to report him to Rezo. Having no other place to go, Zelgadis is invited to join Lina on her journey to Atlas City as the two set off for the road.